Q1 2017

Catalyst Logic: HIPAA Encrypt and De-identify


Develop a Encryption and De-identification strategy that to allow a Mental Health mobile application provide benefits to end users, while meeting HIPAA requirements.

The storage of Electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) under HIPAA regulatiuon can result in a sunstanial burden to SMEs and startups entering the industry.
Through the understanding of HIPAA requirements around Encryption and De-identifiation, a strategy was developed to ensure that HIPAA compliance was met by ensuring the data was protected, while greatly reducing scope and regulatory burden around HIPAA compliance throughout the business.


  • Role:

    Solution Architect and Compliance Advisory
  • Completed:

    Q1 2017
  • Client:

    Mental Heath Mobile Application Developer
  • Technology:

    Programmatic Encryption and De-identification within a API